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Turn off the smart phone and sit at Jesus’ feet

Fr. Joseph Eddy. Go to Fr. Joseph 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 21, 2013

Fr. Joseph Eddy, O. de M.

A few years ago our religious community invited a longtime friend over for dinner. This friend is a little different from our others, he is a Jew who emigrated from the Middle East. Since he had been so good to us over the years we decided to repay him by inviting him and his wife to a special meal. We were truly shocked at how overjoyed our friend was by the invitation. He kept thanking us and explaining how much of an honor it was to be invited to our house. I did not really understand this until I studied about the ancient Middle Eastern customs in my seminary classes.

St. Peter Nolasco. Click to read more.

He was “cut to the heart” in discovering Christian captives

St. Peter Nolasco was shocked and moved in finding Christians held captive and in danger of losing their faith. Read more about his heroic life and what he did about it on the website of the .

Visit the Mercedarians’

In the time of Abraham and even today, this culture puts great emphasis on welcoming the stranger or traveler into one’s house for hospitality. It is actually considered a great honor for the host to be able to offer hospitality to another. Abraham expresses this excitement and a great desire to serve the strangers who show up at his door. He truly is blessed since he ends up “entertaining angels” without knowing it. They bring him a message of great joy that his wife will give birth to a son within a year.

Quality time at meals

In some ways, we could learn from the culture of hospitality of the Near Middle East. They, like many of our ancestors, placed a great value on having quality times with others, especially ones’ family. Studies show that quality time, especially meals together increases the overall health of the family and each individual. This problem of quality time is not new. Even in the 1980’s there was beginning to be concerns about families not eating together, but instead eating as individuals in front of the TV.

Today, with the increase in technology and social communication it is even more difficult to have quality time together. Even if the family does sit down for dinner, it is almost impossible to have a meaningful conversation with cell phones ringing, constant texting, and checking one’s messages. Yes, today we are present with people a lot, but yet absent. We are in relationships or “friends” with thousands from all over the world, but yet very lonely.

To be present

“It is not good for man to be alone (Genesis).” We were created to be in real relationships with others or we will be unhealthy and unhappy human-beings. It is God who teaches us to be present with love to others. How to become experts in sacred listening, which is a conversation between souls. How to sacrifice our time and attention for the other. We are “anxious and worried about many things,” but all that matters is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Learning to be present from God who holds all things in being. When we make time for God it is never lost! A relationship with Jesus Christ brings us to a knowledge of who we truly are. Of who others are. A peace which is beyond understanding.

We learn how to be present to others when we take at least an half an hour each day to be with God who holds all things into being. He make sense of the chaos. This is a relationship that we can trust! Jesus will never “defriend” us! So invite a friend over to your house this week — Jesus. Turn off the smart phone and sit at His feet and truly listen. You will not regret it!!

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