15th Sunday in ordinary time, July 11, 2010
Fr. Anthony Brankin
MP3 Audio Gospel: Luke 10:25-37 The good Samaritan
Summary: St. Maria Goretti was a girl in Italy who was murdered by a man named Allesandro, who had given himself over to the devil. And yet, Allesandro repented, and at the age of 50 begged Maria’s mother for forgiveness, which she granted him.
Satan is the default mechanism in the life of a Christian when we don’t pray. We can’t play footsie with the devil. We should severely limit, or eliminate, our viewing of TV, movies, the internet, texting and blackberrying.
This homily is brought to you by the Georgetown Visitation Sisters in Washington, D.C. Saint Francis de Sales’ “little virtues” of gentleness, kindness, humility, and cheerful optimism shape monastic life for these sisters.