28th Sunday in ordinary time, Oct. 10, 2010
Fr. Anthony Brankin
Gospel: Luke 17:11-19. The grateful leper
MP3 Audio
Summary: It is a temptation for all of us — we go about our ways every day forgetting about God, and thus we live as practical atheists. We might throw an occasional prayer toward God, but we live our lives, making decisions, as if God didn”t exist.
Consider a life of prayer and teaching. Saint Francis de Sales’ “little virtues” of gentleness, kindness, humility, and cheerful optimism shape our monastic life. Washington, DC
On the social level, forgetting about God comes with moral enormities, such as the acceptance of abortion, mercy killing of senior citizens, and same sex marriages. Politicians today sell their souls to the government. Mayor Daley said that he wouldn”t let his Catholic beliefs influence the way he ruled the city. Ignoring God is enshrined in the constitutions of most modern democracies. This enhances their control over our lives. The state becomes God.
There is no God but our God. His Church speaks with the authority of God. Thus, we will follow Him in all of our lives, whether we are in the voting booth or in the pews.