Feast of Christ the King, Nov. 21, 2010
Fr. Anthony Brankin
Gospel: Luke 23:35-43. “This is the king of the Jews”
MP3 Audio
Summary: Pius XI established the feast of Christ the King in 1925. In modern times, countries have refused to acknowledge Christianity as good. But there will be no happiness or peace without this. In Spain in the 1930″s, and Mexico in the 1920″s, there was a great persecution of priests and other Catholics. The Mexican Cristeros, on the other hand, set a heroic example of witnessing for the faith, to the point of giving their lives.
In Poland there is a movement to proclaim Christ the King of the country. But in our country, atheism has become the official religion. But what happens then is that the government takes out rights, our lives and our property. Who is left to protect us if not Christ the King? If Christ is not our King, then Satan will be.
Consider a life of prayer and teaching. Saint Francis de Sales’ “little virtues” of gentleness, kindness, humility, and cheerful optimism shape our monastic life. Washington, DC
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