Mon., March 7, 2011
Fr. Jason Welle, O.F.M.
Gospel: Mark: 12: 1-12 Parable of the vineyard owner
Summary: In a scene from the musical “Les Miserables,” a bishop takes in a man from the street and gives him shelter for the night. In the morning, the man is gone, but so are some of the bishop”s possessions. When a policeman catches the man and brings him back to the bishop, the bishop explains, “I gave him these things, and I want to give him more.”
Shocked by the bishop”s generosity, the criminal changes his ways and spends his life doing good for others.
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In today”s reading, Tobit buries a man who was murdered at the risk of his own life. Both Tobit, and the bishop in the play, perform not a random act of kindness, but a “shocking” act of kindness. And what a shocking act of kindness that Christ carried out for us, by dying on the cross for us.
As Lent begins this week, on Ash Wednesday, and we begin to ask ourselves what we will give up and do to change our lives, let us ask God for a shocking act of kindness so that we may see his generosity and change our lives.