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Two reasons to believe in Jesus

Friday, April 15, 2011
Fr. Elvio Baldeon
Gospel: John 10:31-42 Jesus fulfills what John the Baptist said

(Sorry, no audio)

Summary: There are two words in philosophy: being and action. If we see the actions of someone, we know the being of him. In the Gospel, Jesus was doing good things. But the Jews wanted to stone Him.

Jesus was so much as saying to the people, “I am doing good things and my action is telling you who I am.” Jesus said, “Even if you do not believe me, believe the works I do.”

St. Jane de ChantalWalk on the spiritual path along with St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal into the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Are you a lay person interested in plunging more fully into a way of daily devotion? Or considering a vocation to the monastic Visitandine tradition? Go to Visitation Spirit website.

Jesus’ mission from the Father was that “I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.” There is a unity between God the Father and God the Son. There is a mystery here. At the end of the Gospel many believed in Him. People made the connection between John the Baptist and what Jesus was doing. Jesus’ whole life was a mission. Jesus shows us how much He loves us by his actions.

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