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With the Eucharist, Jesus strengthens us in our journey

Read bio Fr. Joseph EddySunday, June 26, 2011, Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Fr. Joseph Eddy, O. de M.
Gospel: John 6:51-58 “I am the living bread which came down from heaven.”

Full homily text: Summer is a time for many things: family, fun, relaxation etc…. For us religious and priests it is often a time to make a home visit and see our families. It is always amazing to me to see my six nephews; how they have grown and what they are doing. Several are beginning new stages of their life. One is moving on to Kindergarten. Another is moving from elementary school to middle school. Both of these stages are big. Kindergarten means being gone from home for the whole day. Middle school means transitioning out of childhood into more serious academics and social interaction.

Blessed Virgin Mary of MercyIs God calling you to become a Mercedarian friar? Take our “” and find out. Fr. Joseph Eddy is the vocation director of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy, founded to redeem Christians whose faith is in danger.

Visit Fr. Joseph’s Facebook page, or the website of the .

My sisters are both anxious about how their children will handle these new steps. Will they adjust to the new demands? Will they make friends? Growing up is truly a journey. As an uncle I get to observe and marvel at how their lives change. But parents feel keenly the daily struggles and dangers that are present in the journey. Innately they wish that they could be present at each moment of their child’s life to protect and give them all the support that they need.  To surround them with their love and to strengthen them for the journey.

Jesus longed to be with his flock

As we have progressed through another liturgical year, we have seen how Jesus rose from the dead and then ascended to the Father. This was not the end, as we realize that the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell within the disciples on Pentecost Sunday. But for Jesus who walked with the disciples for three years, he longed to be present with his flock even as he was enthroned at the right-hand of the Father. Jesus’ disciples were on a pilgrimage imitating their Master by proclaiming the Gospel with their words and especially their lives. This journey is dangerous. They will have to face forces hostile to the Christian message and “live in the world, but not be of the world.” The Holy Spirit is with them, dwelling in them like in a temple. Yet, Jesus himself has said, “behold I am with you even to the end of time.” He will be present with them as well!!

Like a parent who longs to surround their children with themselves, so Jesus wishes to be with us “until the end of time.”  Jesus says in John Chapter 6, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.” The crowds are shocked by the statement. “How can he give us his flesh to eat?” So many people today, even Catholics say that the real presence in the Eucharist is “impossible” or “ridiculous.”

Jesus didn’t back down

But, in today’s Gospel Jesus does not back down to his critics. He could have said, “Wait you are misunderstanding me!” But they were not misunderstanding Jesus. The crowd understood him very well. Jesus responds by repeating his admission that his flesh is “real food” and his blood “real drink.”  This Chapter in John’s Gospel is a clear proclamation that the Eucharist is the real presence of Jesus Christ Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. As Catholics we are the people who remain with Jesus after his controversial statement. Others leave and have left throughout the centuries because they cannot accept that the Lord of all the Universe becomes our food and drink.

We believe in transubstantiation, which means that the substances of the bread and wine become the substance of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus. This occurs at the words of institution said by the priest, “This is my Body (Blood)…” The Host looks like bread in its accidents but its substance has become the whole Jesus. The same is true of the Precious Blood. Jesus is fully present in each species of the Sacred Host or Precious Blood.

He gives all of Himself

If we receive one species, we receive all of Jesus’ glorified body, which is reigning in heaven. This is why Jesus tells us that those who receive the Eucharist “have life” in them. Those who receive Jesus and are united in mind, body, and soul with him are receiving eternal life. They are receiving a foretaste of the Eternal heavenly banquet. It is important that we always realize that the saying “Amen” to Communion is saying “yes” to all that Jesus said and taught. It is saying “yes” to God’s plan for our life. To receive the Lord we must be in a state of grace, free from any serious sin.  Jesus gives himself to us totally and he expects us who receive him to be fully committed to the Christian life. Jesus wants a true union with us body, mind, and soul. He doesn’t just want part of us — he wants all of us, just as he gives all of himself.

Parents want to be present with their children as they journey through life. It is dangerous and the perils are real. If they could, a parent would give their very life to support their children. Jesus has an even greater love for each of us. He has promised to walk with us on our journey. He will not abandon us, but wishes to nourish us with his divine life in a way that is unimaginable. What seems impossible happens in the Eucharist.

Receiving strength for the journey

The greatest miracle in the world happens at each Mass. Jesus becomes present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. Those who receive him worthily receive strength for the journey which is truly “out of this world.” Jesus is present eternally with the Father in heaven, and he becomes our nourishment in Communion. Heaven unites itself with us poor creatures. Jesus” love is shown to us in the Sacrament of Love. Let us eternally praise and worship our Eucharistic Lord who is present with us always in the Most Holy Sacrament of Love.

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