Feast of Christ the King, Nov. 20, 2011
Fr. Anthony Brankin
Homily: Matt. 25:31-46 As you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.
Homily summary: The Protestant Reformers dethroned Christ and the Church. But if Jesus Christ is not our king, there will be no one to stand in front of the rich and powerful. No one to say they can”t abuse families and children.
The twin apostolates of prayer and the education of young women are pursued by the Visitation Sisters of Georgetown, Washington, D.C.
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Martin Luther and Calvin started a movement that not only sent monks and nuns packing, but took the land from the people, and introduced mass poverty. As for me and my family – and you are my family – we will serve the Lord, who is Christ the King.