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Walk a spiritual path with the Visitandine Founders, Saints and Sisters. Visitation Spirit website
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The 60's hit us — but we are still the one, true Church

Photo of Fr. Brankin. Go to Fr. BrankinSunday, Jan. 15, 2012
Fr. Anthony Brankin
Gospel: John 1:35-42 “Look, there is the Lamb of God.”

Sermon summary: Years ago we were taught that the Catholic Church was the one true Church, and no other group was the true Church founded by Christ. The Church is not just a group who gathers in the Church who believe in Jesus Christ.

Go to the Georgetown Visitation.

The Bean Queen of Georgetown Rules

The bean, or Epiphany Queen, of the Georgetown Visitation can request special things. Whichever sister finds the bean or medal in her piece of cake after supper is Queen-for-a-Year and is treated in a special way. Go to our Live Jesus blog and read about what Sr. Mary Philomena got to wear that day.

Are you called to a life of the “little virtues” of gentleness, humility, and cheerful optimism? Consider the Washington, DC.

When the Pope, or the Pope and bishops in union with him give us a teaching, it is the authority of God himself. The Church teaches us about the Bible, about how to get along. It teaches with the authority of God.

60″s revolution

We were all taught this. Then the 60″s hit. It was a revolution, not only of culture, but all truths were challenged. The media, universities, and even seminary professors claimed that the Catholic Church was not the one true Church. They persuaded us to believe that the Catholic Church has not more authority than any other group. We”ve all been affected. Many people have been taught that all religions are equal.

TV, the media and commercials claim that we cannot find truth. They want us to believe that truth doesn”t exist. They say the Catholic Church”s claims sound arrogant, mean, and not nice. But when the Church teaches truth, it means that all competing beliefs are false.

Muslims believe that if they kill others they will go to heaven. Thus, ritual suicide and ritual murder can help us get to heaven.

Speaking out against birth control, abortion

There are those who criticize the Church when it speaks out against birth control, pre-marital intimacy, abortion, and gay marriage. This is all a life of unfaithfulness, promiscuity, and a life of sin.

To not believe in the Catholic Church makes it difficult for non-believers to save their souls. Not impossible, but difficult.

This week we begin the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. So we must tell others about the truth, about God, and the true religion of the Catholic Church. We must pray for others and witness to the truth of our religion. We must bring others to the fullness of truth, and in that truth is salvation.

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