Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012
Fr. Anthony Brankin
Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 “Repent, and believe the Good News.”
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Sermon summary: Today’s modern, liberal, secular government was born in 18th century French salons, which said that there is no power above the government; the state is supreme. Today, they brainwash and tell us we are self-governed. But we have misery and poverty. The politicians, financiers, corporations and socialists make the money.
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They say we govern ourselves. But were you consulted when the factories here were emptied, and when slaves in China began making things?
The state as supreme
We’ve become convinced that the state is supreme and religion is a private mater. That the state should have no input from Christianity. They have convinced us that true freedom is doing what we want to do, no matter who gets damaged in the way. We are nothing but bug splatter to them. We are told that everything is about getting the most physical pleasure we can get, and are thus kept in a coma. And thus we are left with abortion, gay marriage, and scheduled unemployment.
The problem is much deeper, older and more pervasive than deciding which republic is more electable than Barack Obama.