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The long-forgotten truth of the Sacrament of the Sick

Fr. Joseph Eddy. Go to Fr. Joseph15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 15, 2012
Fr. Joseph Eddy, O. de M.

(Full text of sermon) Miracles and healing always seem to grab our attention. Whether it is on TV or in books or magazines, as human beings we are fascinated by the miraculous. Sometimes we can think that these things happen only to others and only rarely. Yet, in reality we do not have to search hard for these miracles. They are more present than we may think. It is not all about finding that miracle drug or herb or a person who has a gift of healing.

Fr. Tony Fortunato

The emperor”s sunken boats, a volcanic lake, and a famous sanctuary

A man full of life and of the Lord”s love, Fr. Tony Fortunato, O. de M. explains the significance of the famous Sanctuary of the Holy Crucifix in Nemi, Italy, and the history of the Mercedarian friary there. View it on our YouTube channel.

Visit the Mercedarians’

Jesus as we know was a miracle worker. He healed, brought strength and peace to those who were suffering or in despair. Hearing the Gospel today, we realize that Christ passed this ministry down to the twelve disciples. They are sent out two by two with a definite mission.  They are told to heal and free from evil those who are afflicted. In essence, the disciples are called to bring the peace of the Christ to all those they meet. As faithful Catholics, we may wonder: Where are these wonderful signs today? Where are the miracles and healings? Well, the answer is that Jesus’ healing power is still very much present today in the Sacraments of the Church. This is especially the case with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

She came to him with brain cancer

I recall a true story of a priest whose ordinary ministry brought the healing of Christ to another. This priest, Fr. Gene, would go grocery shopping with one of the brothers in his community. They went to the same store each week. They got to know the different people shopping and working at the store. One of these people was a woman who had brain cancer. She confided to Fr. Gene that she was very sick and needed prayers for a miracle. Fr. Gene, being a good priest, offered her the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. He took out the Oil of the Sick, which had been blessed by the bishop at the Chrism Mass, and he anointed her forehead and the palms of her hands.

While he was anointing her, Fr. Gene said the words: (Forehead) “Through this holy anointing may the Lord in His love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit.” (Hands) “May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.” With these simple words the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick took place. The woman returned to her normal life and Fr. Gene went back to his. However, two months later Fr. Gene met this woman again in the grocery store. She was so excited to see the priest and tell him that she was miraculously healed. Her tumor was gone. The woman thought that she was healed by a humble priest, but in reality it was the power of the Sacrament administered by the priest.

An  outward sign…

A Sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace. One of the seven Sacraments is Anointing of the Sick. It was instituted by Christ in today’s Gospel as He commissioned His first priests who “anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.” The outward sign is the oil. Oil has long been used to heal wounds and bring skin back to life. Many ointments we use today contain some form of oil. The Sacraments give sanctifying grace, which is the very life of God. Anointing of the Sick gives us the grace to endure in a Christian manner the suffering of illness or old age and receive God’s forgiveness for our past sins.

Many people today still believe that the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is for those who are actively dying. This was the case for hundreds of years when the Sacrament was referred to as extreme unction or “last breath.” It could only be given to those who were on “death’s door.” Older Catholics will often times fear the sight of the priest coming to their sick bed. To them the priest is almost like the “angel of death,” because before the Second Vatican Council the priest only came at the person’s “last breath.” What happened at the Second Vatican Council? Did the Church change one of Her Sacraments? Well, actually the understanding of Anointing of the Sick was broadened after the Council. It was brought back to the original and richer meaning that it had when Jesus sent His disciples out to anoint “many who were sick….”  Any faithful Catholic who is in danger of death or reaches a point of serious sickness or old age should be anointed.

The Messiah will heal

We see in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick the hope that Jesus came to bring to all. The Old Testament prophesizes that the Messiah will heal the sick. Jesus, who is the God Man, fulfills all things in Himself. All of creation suffers from the effects of sins, which are death and suffering. But, Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection have condemned death. We still suffer from evil, but at the Second Coming, Christ will bring all things to fulfillment.

Until then we use the means available to get healing that God has given us. These include doctors, medicine, and healthy living. But let us not forget that we also have a powerful Sacrament available to us in the Anointing of the Sick. We hope in the Sacraments, knowing that they give us the very life of God or grace. Every time we are anointed with the proper disposition we can be sure that we will receive some healing. This could come through physical, psychological, or spiritual healing. The Sacraments are effective. They were powerful when the disciples gave them to the people two thousand years ago and they are still effective today. We realize that these healings are meant to lead us to true fulfillment in Christ. This will only fully be established at the Second Coming when Jesus will bring an end to death and suffering for all eternity.

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