(Today’s sermon, which is summarized here, was perhaps the most stirring Fr. Brankin has ever delivered on the importance of passing along the authentic Catholic faith to our children. It was followed by applause.)
This is Catechetical Sunday. School reinforces what is taught at home. Home is primary. What the children learn at age 6, they never forget. Parents have a solemn obligation before God to pass along their faith to their children.
We have to make up for the silliness and excesses of the 60s. Those people taught that we don’t have to believe or act according to what we have traditionally learned about the faith. All that came from the European intellectuals who didn’t believe anything anyway. Religion to the moderns is about hints for modern living. It was not until the mid-80s that the bishops realized that we had produced a wasteland.
We need the new evangelization. We are going to teach it the way the Catholic faith is understood; that the supernatural world is part of everyday life.