Feb. 17, 2013 First Sunday of Lent
Fr. Anthony Brankin
(Summary of sermon. This sermon was followed by hearty applause.)
The primary task of the Pope is to govern the Church, to strengthen our faith…. The enemies of the Church are relentless; they don’t rest; they are led by the devil…. Pope Benedict XVI, in resigning, was afraid he would miss something. Maybe he had a premonition of something dark on the horizon. Something depraved and deadly is gathering. There is a mounting abyss of evil in the world.
A new pope will have new energy, new perspectives. What a comfort – one who teaches us with the authority from God himself. There may be an impending cataclysm…. Maybe the world will end with a bang and a ring tone.
We who still believe in God, in Jesus Christ, and in the Church, must believe in the Pope – in whatever Pope, and therefore with Jesus. We will find that the Pope has not abandoned us, but simply gathered new generals for the fight.