Monday, July 8, 2013
Deacon Robert Banet
Thank you, Senator. You made a great speech. I have a question for you.
Go ahead. I’m always ready to help.
Senator, you are Catholic and my people wonder how you could vote in support of abortion.
Well, I’d be glad to explain. You see, it’s permitted by law. The High Court decision of 1973 made that clear. It’s a woman’s right. I am personally opposed to it but I can’t go against the Supreme Court.
Senator, what do you mean that you are personally opposed to abortion?
Well, that’s clear enough. I can agree with the Church on that point. I am opposed because the Church says so.
Why do you suppose the Church is so adamant against it?
Well, they claim it is taking the life of the unborn.
Do you agree that it is indeed taking the life of an innocent person?
I would, yes, have to agree with that.
Then you think it is all right to kill an innocent person?
I wouldn’t put it that way Let’s just say it’s the mother’s choice.
Choice? Choice to do what? Kill her baby?
That’s not a very polite way to put it. Let’s just say it’s her choice.
A choice that you go along with, right?
Ah… er, I’ll have to think about that.
A good idea. And you might think of what God will say to you on Judgment Day.