Recruit Priests, Sisters, Brothers

Want to attract devout Catholic men and women to your religious community?
Try our Come & See Vocation Promotion Program.
It’s a unique vocation promotion program that recruits men and women to religious and consecrated life.

Walk a spiritual path with the Visitandine Founders, Saints and Sisters. Visitation Spirit website
Free others from today's forms of captivity. Become a Mercedarian friar. Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy Philadelphia, PA
Consider a life of prayer and teaching. Sisters of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary Washington, DC



Why Christ died for us

Divine Mercy Sunday Deacon Robert Banet

So again, how old are you?

I’ll be nine next month.

And your question?

Why did God the Father want his Son to die?

Well Amelia, the short answer is to save us from Hell.

How could that be? Jesus did not do anything wrong.

True. But let’s look […]

On Easter, the devil was the real April Fool

Palm Sunday Deacon Robert Banet

You look upset, Your Malevolence, what seems to be the matter?

The matter? I’ll tell you what the matter is! He foiled me again.

Again? What are you talking about?

The Enemy, that’s who. My servants had Him scourged, they had Him mocked. Even had Him spat upon and ridiculed.


Let Us Purify Ourselves

Seventh Sunday of Easter Fr. Anthony Brankin


Go and teach all nations, says the Lord; I am with you always, until the end of the world.

These words, taken from Our Blessed Lord as He was about to ascend into Heaven, are being fulfilled in our very midst. Two weeks ago 300 young adults […]