Recruit Priests, Sisters, Brothers

Want to attract devout Catholic men and women to your religious community?
Try our Come & See Vocation Promotion Program.
It’s a unique vocation promotion program that recruits men and women to religious and consecrated life.

Walk a spiritual path with the Visitandine Founders, Saints and Sisters. Visitation Spirit website
Free others from today's forms of captivity. Become a Mercedarian friar. Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy Philadelphia, PA
Consider a life of prayer and teaching. Sisters of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary Washington, DC



Making the most of life without the fear of death

Sunday, April 17, 2011 Fr. George Knab Gospel: Matt. 26:14-75 Last Supper and Passion of Christ

Summary: As a hospital chaplain, Fr. Knab knew a 15-year-old boy with lymphoma. One day his windpipe swelled up, and he could not breath. Doctors brought him back, and afterward, the boy explained that he had the experience of […]

Evil triumphs when we do not "watch and pray"

Palm Sunday. Apr. 17, 2011 Fr. Joseph Eddy, O. de M. Gospel: Matt. 26:14 – 27:66 Betrayal of Judas, and Peter”s denial (Sorry, no audio)

(Full text of homily) Listening to this gospel passage evokes so many feelings and emotions in us. Certainly, it should bring us to feel certain sadness. Something horrible happened that […]

In the crucifix and the sorrowful mother, we see that God knows our troubles

Fourth Sunday of Lent. Apr. 3, 2011 Fr. Anthony Brankin Gospel: John 9:1-41 Jesus heals the blind man Free MP3 Audio

Summary: When Fr. Brankin was a boy, a beautiful crucifix in his grandmother”s house impressed him so much that it became the standard of all crucifixes he would see. Today”s crucifixes, however, do not […]