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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Robert Banet
Angela, you look so down. What’s the matter?
Oh, nothing out of the ordinary. Just a few problems.
My sister-in law thinks I lied to her and won’t speak to me and my son is still in jail. I could manage that but my back is giving me trouble again. Continue reading Why is God testing me?
First Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Robert Banet
I’m thankful for the Pope’s setting up the Luminous Mysteries.
Oh, you mean the ones focusing on the public life of the Lord?
Yes, especially the Cana wedding. All those details! The Blessed Mother taking charge without being asked, Jesus seemingly turning her down, the enormous quantity of wine. Continue reading What the waiters knew at Cana
Fourth Week of Advent
Deacon Robert Banet
(An overheard conversation)
Well, George, what does it look like?
Well, John, from the two-hundred year perspective it looks pretty good.
What makes you say that?
Well, the country that we founded is really looking out for the mothers. Oh? What do you mean?
A major political faction is working for a mother’s reproductive rights.
George, don’t you know what that means? Continue reading “Reproductive rights” – hides an unpleasant truth