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Transfiguration of the Lord
Deacon Robert Banet
I see you’re reading the history books of the Bible.
Yes. They’re very interesting.
Did you comes across King Ahab’s repentance?
No, tell me about it.
Ahab accepted his wife’s plan to get false witnesses to bring about the death of Naboth.
That’s terrible! Continue reading Why did God punish King Ahab’s son?
Friday of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time
Deacon Robert Banet
How could a loving God do that!
Do what, Charlie?
How could He ask a loving father to kill his only son?
Ah, you must mean Abraham and his beloved son Isaac.
Right. It just doesn’t make sense.
You’re right. It doesn’t make sense in a human way of thinking, but in God’s way, it does.
What do you mean? Continue reading How could God ask Abraham to kill his only son?
Feast of St. Henry
Deacon Robert Banet
What are you reading, Charlie?
Oh, it’s a book on Greek mythology.
Sounds pretty dull to me.
This chapter is about the Muses.
You know, the muse of song, the muse of drama.
You know, maybe there’s something to that.
Oh? How so? Continue reading God gives to some the gift of amusing us