Recruit Priests, Sisters, Brothers

Want to attract devout Catholic men and women to your religious community?
Try our Come & See Vocation Promotion Program.
It’s a unique vocation promotion program that recruits men and women to religious and consecrated life.

Walk a spiritual path with the Visitandine Founders, Saints and Sisters. Visitation Spirit website
Free others from today's forms of captivity. Become a Mercedarian friar. Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy Philadelphia, PA
Consider a life of prayer and teaching. Sisters of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary Washington, DC



The infinite God reduced Himself to our state — why?

Sunday, March 27, 2011 Fr. Anthony Brankin Gospel: John 4:5-42 The water I give springs up to eternal life

Full homily text: The past week, we celebrated an immensely important feast—the Feast of the Annunciation—the day when the Angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she was to be the Mother of the Son […]

The two Judases — what’s the difference?

Wed., April 20, 2011 Fr. George Knab Gospel: Matt. 26:14-25 “One of you will betray Me”

Summary: There were two Judases who were Apostles. Both were to be the foundation stones of the Church. Both believed Jesus to be the worldly Messiah, and to use violence if necessary. Both were confused over the hostility of […]

Two reasons to believe in Jesus

Friday, April 15, 2011 Fr. Elvio Baldeon Gospel: John 10:31-42 Jesus fulfills what John the Baptist said (Sorry, no audio)

Summary: There are two words in philosophy: being and action. If we see the actions of someone, we know the being of him. In the Gospel, Jesus was doing good things. But the Jews wanted […]