Recruit Priests, Sisters, Brothers

Want to attract devout Catholic men and women to your religious community?
Try our Come & See Vocation Promotion Program.
It’s a unique vocation promotion program that recruits men and women to religious and consecrated life.

Walk a spiritual path with the Visitandine Founders, Saints and Sisters. Visitation Spirit website
Free others from today's forms of captivity. Become a Mercedarian friar. Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy Philadelphia, PA
Consider a life of prayer and teaching. Sisters of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary Washington, DC



In the Transfiguration, the Apostles were both stunned and strengthened (complete text)

Second Sunday of Lent. Mar. 20, 2011 Fr. Anthony Brankin Gospel: Matt. 17:1-9 The Transfiguration: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased MP3 Audio

Complete text: It is interesting that the Gospel today is about the Transfiguration—particularly since we will read this gospel a second time later in the year on […]

In the Transfiguration, the Apostles were both stunned and strengthened

Second Sunday of Lent. Mar. 20, 2011 Fr. Anthony Brankin Gospel: Matt. 17:1-9 The Transfiguration: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased MP3 Audio

Summary: The Transfiguration took place so the disciples would know who Jesus was. Jesus separated himself from them and “began to glow.” Most and Elijah were talking […]

What the three temptations of Jesus mean to us

First Sunday of Lent. Mar. 13, 2011 Gospel: Matt. 4:1-11 The three temptations of Jesus Fr. Pablo Straub Mp3 Audio

Summary: The devil tempted Jesus in three ways at the end of his 40-day fast. Yet, Jesus did not feel the least inclination to do what the devil wanted. Only two people were conceived immaculately […]